Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy outlines how Eternal Enchantment (referred to as "we," "us," or "our") collects, uses, and discloses personal information when you interact with our services, make purchases, or communicate with us through (the "Site"). By using our services, you agree to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy. If you disagree, please refrain from using our services.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically for operational, legal, or regulatory reasons. Revised policies will be posted on the Site, with the "Last updated" date, and any other steps required by applicable law will be taken.

How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

We collect and have collected personal information about you from various sources to provide our services. The information collected depends on your interaction with us.

What Personal Information We Collect

  1. Information Directly from You:

    • Basic contact details (name, address, phone number, email).
    • Order information (billing and shipping address, payment confirmation).
    • Account information (username, password, security questions).
    • Shopping information (viewed items, cart contents, wishlist).
    • Customer support information (communications with us).
  2. Information through Cookies:

    • Usage Data collected through cookies, pixels, and similar technologies.
  3. Information from Third Parties:

    • Obtained from vendors, service providers, and payment processors.

How We Use Your Personal Information

  1. Providing Products and Services:

    • Processing payments, fulfilling orders, managing accounts, and facilitating shipping.
  2. Marketing and Advertising:

    • Sending marketing communications and tailoring advertising.
  3. Security and Fraud Prevention:

    • Detecting and preventing fraudulent or malicious activity.
  4. Communicating with You:

    • Providing customer support and improving services.


We use cookies to enhance and improve the Site's functionality. Users can manage cookie preferences through their browser settings.

How We Disclose Personal Information

We may share personal information with:

  • Vendors and third parties providing services on our behalf.
  • Business and marketing partners.
  • Affiliates.
  • In connection with a business transaction or legal obligation.

Security and Retention of Your Information

While we implement security measures, no system is entirely foolproof. We recommend not transmitting sensitive information through unsecured channels.

Retention periods depend on factors like maintaining accounts, providing services, legal obligations, and dispute resolution.

Your Rights and Choices

Depending on your location, you may have rights such as access, deletion, correction, and data portability. Your ability to exercise these rights may be subject to legal conditions.


For privacy-related complaints, contact us at If unsatisfied, you may appeal our decision or lodge a complaint with your local data protection authority.

International Users

Your personal information may be transferred, stored, and processed outside your country. Transfers comply with recognized mechanisms for data protection.


For questions or to exercise your rights, contact us at